Our Journey

Building the oldest, largest

oncology expert opinion platform

We have been pioneering online solutions to assist every cancer patient for 10 years. This is our journey.

2018-2025: Broadening Our Reach

We joined forces with global partners in the cancer ecosystem. Our mission on outreach and awareness increased sevenfold.

October 2020

We Are 10

A milestone and the pandemic! We had to regroup, refocus, and rethink processes. Albeit it all, July 2020 saw our highest number of cases!

March - September 2020

COVID Hotline

Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi's strong message on the use of online channels vs. travel during lockdown helped us empower over 6000 patients. Our most vulnerable were encouraged that there was still hope.

October - January 2020

Global Recognition

Our focus and drive on data & measurable on-ground impact, peer-review at global reputable organizations ensure that our work is held accountable. There are limits & boundaries to our claims which are real & rooted in patient impact & safety.

November 2019

A New Pilot with PM-JAY

“We are now trying to use the system (Navya) to verify the line of treatment offered to cancer patients under the PMJAY," Dr. Indu Bhushan, CEO, NHA

June 2018 - 2021

Building infrastructure for access

Patients from low-income households benefitted tremendously from our expert plans. We initiated partnerships with NGOs to expand our reach and with corporates to sponsor cases so that Navya can be accessible to all.

2014-2017: A Service to Empower Patients

Our many firsts - patents, presentations, and a launch. Victories that filled us with hope and optimism.

March - June 2017

Patient Impact

Presentations at conferences represent the extent of progress made each year in the fight against cancer. Every year we continue to focus on patient preference, impact, and safety. ASCO 2017, Dr. CS Pramesh defended our study.

January 2016

National Cancer Grid Joins Our Effort

Our early conversations with Dr. CS Pramesh led us to learn about the National Cancer Grid. When we partnered with them, we became part of a network of 89 hospitals. That number has grown to over 200 today.

June 2015

TMC Online - Navya Launches for All Cancers

After our success with breast cancer, we went live for all cancers. Our first non-breast case was for gallbladder cancer. We also received our first pediatric patient within minutes.

December 2014

Navya's First Conference Presentation

Dr. Rajendra Badwe thought our concordance study with Tata Memorial Centre was worth presenting to the world. The Navya output matched their tumor board decisions 98% of the time! We presented our findings to SABCS.

May 2014

TMC Online - Navya Launch

TMC Online - Navya went live within one day! The moment we went live with the link to Tata Memorial’s breast cancer pilot, a uro-oncology patient signed up! We were stunned by the quick response, and got to work.

February 2014

Navya Receives Two Patents

Our innovative technology sets us apart from telemedicine. As pioneers in machine learning, our predictive analysis model allows us to provide personalized treatment plans for cancer patients and structured medical data for physicians.

2010-2013: Beginnings

Our mission: To bring structure and technology, together, to help physicians and cancer patients.

January 2013

Experience Engine on Past Treatment Decisions

Experts build intuition from helping thousands of patients. To build the same intuition into our engine's decision making, we began to feed every Navya expert treatment decision back into the system.

January 2012

Presenting Our First Evidence Engine Findings to TMC

“This will take some doing but can be done,” said Dr. Sudeep Gupta, Director of ACTREC. “We should study this!" agreed Dr. Rajendra Badwe, Director of Tata Memorial Centre. They encouraged us!

November 2011

An Evidence Engine for Breast Cancer

“We see hundreds of patients in a day. It would be helpful to know which published trials each patient matches to. This isn’t quick to do in the rush of an OPD," said Dr. Nita Nair. To answer this concern, we developed a way to match breast cancer patients to clinical trials. Dr. Nair provided us data for 10 patients. Our first 10 cases were on an excel sheet!

October 2010

Navya Is Founded

Our founders had first-hand experience as caregivers for cancer patients. They learned that finding reliable information was not just challenging for patients, but for doctors too. They founded Navya to use technology to make a difference for patients on a large scale.

Experts trust Navya

Get in touch with us and we'll help you get started.


TMC and Navya have collaborated since 2011 to develop an expert decision system that uses clinical informatics, predictive analytics, and machine learning to recommend evidence and experience-based expert treatment decisions, similar to decisions made by expert tumor boards.

Dr. Rajendra Badwe

Director, Tata Memorial Centre

Treating oncologists at small and large centers can consult with expert colleagues online (Navya) in a simulated tumor board that results in expert treatment decisions for patients everywhere.

Dr. CS Pramesh

Coordinator, National Cancer Grid

My personal experience as a caregiver empowers me to relate to patients' cancer journey and their emotional and physical challenges. Patients, families, and caregivers need a personal resource to help them navigate through the journey; I’m fortunate to be that resource.

Shreelakshmi Gawas

Patient Advocate, Navya

I have never had a colleague at Navya unwilling to listen, understand, and kindly correct until we both see eye to eye. Navya’s culture of empathy has provided a foundation for me to grow as a software engineer, communicator, and leader.

Michael Cobb

Software Engineer, Navya

What amazes me is when I hear of caregivers being referred to Navya by friends, colleagues, and sometimes doctors from reputed hospitals across India and overseas. I'm extremely proud of what we've done in these last years. To know that our work is acknowledged, our efforts rewarded, and that we're trusted makes me feel extremely responsible.

Gokul Prasad

Director of Outreach, Navya

Working with cancer patients and caregivers remotely (online) every single day for the last 10 years I’ve learned that hand holding them at every step of their journey through effective communication is a must. My learnings have helped me overcome the cultural drift and achieve my goals towards the organization during these crucial times.

Pooja Akhileshwar

Patient Services Team Lead, Navya

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Patient Stories


60 Year Old from Madhya Pradesh

Pushpa was diagnosed with early-stage lung cancer. Her oncologists recommended surgery. The family was devastated by the diagnosis and clueless about the right way forward. Having little understanding of the type of cancer and treatment options available, her son reached out to Navya. Experts on the panel reviewed the case and were concordant with the treatment suggested by the treating oncologist i.e. surgery was advised.

The anxiety lessened. Pushpa shared the report with her treating oncologist and completed the surgery locally. “We’re extremely thankful to TMC NCG Navya for the help provided in these crucial times. The patient advocates at Navya were very understanding and helped us at every step,” said her son.


50 Year Old From Kolkata

Bharti was diagnosed with cervical cancer in January 2020, after definitive chemoradiation therapy her daughter reached out to TMC NCG Navya to determine the need for further treatment. Experts recommended no indication for chemotherapy and advised active surveillance.

"Reaching Navya at the time of an ongoing country-wise lockdown was one of the best decisions we made", says daughter of Bharti sharing her deep faith in experts. "The entire team provided us with a quick response along with details regarding future steps to be taken while under observation. We stand by our decision to choose Navya", she adds.

Bharti has since been managing her own chores and doing well.